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 Natures and Demeanors L-Z

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Join date : 2012-12-15

Natures and Demeanors L-Z Empty
PostSubject: Natures and Demeanors L-Z   Natures and Demeanors L-Z EmptyFri Jan 11, 2013 4:45 am

You are a servile minion, drawing strength from those you serve. Perhaps you are a coward at heart, or you fear having to take responsibility for your own actions, and instead abuse the powers of others. Whatever the reason, you attach yourself to the most powerful person who will permit it, and covet their praise. Even their discipline means that they notice you, and if your ego isn't stroked on a regular basis, you're likely to misbehave simply to draw their attention again. You think for yourself as little as possible, and though you have some enlightened interest in the goals of your master, you're willing to do absolutely anything to achieve those goals. Others call you a boot-lick, a spy, or a mercenary, depending upon how they got to know you.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you receive praise, or even attentive discipline, from a superior.
Ban: Never think for yourself when the orders of others will suffice.

It's a dangerous world out there, and the nail that stands the tallest gets hammered down. You've mastered the art of not being noticed, and you slouch, slink, and creep out of the way of trouble and the attention of others. You may make the occasional "friend," but he or she had better fend for themselves when times get tough, because that's just what you plan to do. Those who speak up or act out are only asking for punishment; you toe the party line, no matter how you really feel. You've learned that there are some benefits in not being noticed; you can get juicy dirt on people when they've been convinced that you're not worth paying attention to, but you're loathe to act on any of what you find out for any other reason than to save your own worthless hide.
Quest: Whenever you manage to keep your head down and blend in to avoid trouble, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never do anything to draw attention to yourself, even if it means abandoning your friends.

You are the type of person who is always alone, even in the midst of a crowd. You are the wanderer, hunter and lone wolf. Though others might think of you as lonely, forsaken, isolated or remote, in truth you prefer your own company to that of others. There are many different reasons why this might be so: you don't understand people, you understand people too well, people dislike you, people like you too much, or you are simply lost in your own thoughts. Your reasons are your own.
Quest: When you manage to accomplish some significant task on your own, without the aid of others, yet which still aids the group in some way, you regain Willpower based on the significance of the achievement.
Ban: Avoid working in groups.

You have always been fascinated by others. Why do people behave as they do? What thoughts and emotions affect their actions? The cognitive processes that influence the choices people make intrigue you. Sometimes just asking people questions about their actions can yield important information, but often people do not truly understand their own motivations and concerns. In these cases, it is far easier to set up situations - experiments, if you will - to see how people behave. You attempt to manipulate these situations for your personal advantage, in order to discover more information about your chosen subjects. Some might call these experiments cruel, but to you it is mere scientific necessity.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you manage to set up an incident or situation that allows you to gain new insight into your subject's psyche.
Ban: Never refuse a chance to manipulate or gain further insight into a target.

You suffer for your cause, enduring trials out of the belief that your suffering will ultimately improve the lot of others. You may want the attention or sympathy that your ordeals engender, or you may actually be sincere in your cause, greeting the opposition with unfaltering faith in your beliefs. You are the first to throw yourself between harm and your friends, knowing that your sacrifice will serve to shelter them.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you sacrifice yourself or your comfort for your ideals or another's immediate gain.
Ban: Never indulge in what could be given away instead; never accept gifts or comfort when there are others who could use them instead.

You love to test your limits, and see how much pain you can tolerate before you collapse. While this may accidentally cause you to commit heroic actions, you're doing this entirely for yourself, and the secret delight you get from your own suffering. You gain satisfaction from humiliation, suffering, denial, and even physical pain. You define who you are by your ability to feel discomfort– you wake each day only to greet a new pain. Your twisted ambitions are likely to freak out others, but you find release only in agony. You may even seek to indoctrinate others into your philosophy, but you are not a sadist; your involvement is entirely in your own pain.
Quest: Whenever you experience a new pain, or when the situation turns against you through your own design, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never resist an opportunity to torture yourself, both physically and emotionally.

You are the brilliant, if underestimated, architect of destruction. Yes, you could achieve your goals through the most direct route, but such actions are for simpletons and animals. Instead, you enact complicated and lengthy plots to undo your enemies and accomplish your ends. There's nothing quite like a master plan coming together, and the shock on the faces of the fools around you when they realize your genius. You overcompensate for your own feelings of worthlessness, those inflicted upon you by others who could never understand your greatness. You'll show them all now, and they'll be forced to recognize your brilliance. You are moody, erratic, and given to overly elaborate methods of getting what you want. The simplest route is simply not your way.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you get to gloat over your enemies, or explain your brilliant machinations to them.
Ban: Never accomplish any of your major goals directly; everything must have an elaborate scheme attached to it.

The world is full of people who want things; sometimes people want the exact same thing. Some people have what other people want and would be willing to talk about working out a deal, but just don't know how to start. These people often have immense trouble finding and communicating with each other. That is where you come in. You are dedicated to mediating between people - fulfilling needs, smoothing over disputes, and generally helping people talk to one another. You are the diplomat, the middle child, the perpetual person in the middle.
Quest: Regain one point of Willpower whenever you are able to act as a go-between between two individuals or groups, and regain another point if you taring things to a satisfactory conclusion. The Storyteller may award more points for particularly outstanding mediation.
Ban: Never take one side in an arguement, always take a chance to be the third party, to be the diplomat.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, and anyone who expects one is a sucker who deserves to be taken for a ride. You don't trust any situation where you can't inspect the merchandise and hear the price up front, and you always want to know what the catch is. Naturally, you make your livelihood by selling something– perhaps something you make, or own, or steal, or even through selling yourself, as a mercenary. You're not in the habit of giving hand-outs away, and no one's going to buy the cow if they get the milk for free. You live by the adages of business, and see the entire world as a market, whose economy is driven by those who have and those who want. You reduce even the most complex interactions to business, and excel at fetching a better price for your wares than anyone else does.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you manage to fetch a better part of a bargain, selling something, even yourself, at inflated prices.
Ban: Never give anything away, including your own help, without getting paid for it.

You crave the attentions of beings more powerful than yourself, knowing that such creatures desire agents capable of working for them in the mortal world. Perhaps you seek the respect of a secret society, but it's far more likely that you are attempting to gain the attention of vast, cosmic forces. Compared to these impersonal godlike beings, you feel small and afraid, and so you covet their attention and praise, attempting to ingratiate yourself with something beyond your control. You are more similar to the Riddler than the Lackey, but you contain elements of both. You are willing to sell your soul to the highest bidder, or even play two of these forces off against each other. Sooner or later, we'll all belong to them anyway. Better to be one of the jailers than the prisoners. You want forbidden knowledge at any cost, and are willing to undertake great risk for the rewards of power.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you manage to ingratiate yourself with forces beyond your comprehension and win their favor.
Ban: Never do anything without expecting some reward, whether short- or long-term.

The Monster knows she is a creature of darkness and acts like it. Evil and suffering are the Monster's tools, and she uses them wherever she goes; no hurt goes uninflicted and no lie remains untold. The Monster does not commit evil for its own sake, but rather as a means to understand what she has become. Kindred elders and unstable individuals and display characteristics of the Monster Archetype.
Quest: Malignant deeds reinforce the Monster's sense of purpose. Monster characters should pick a specific atrocity, regaining Willpower whenever they indulge that urge. For example, a tempter regains Willpower for luring someone into wickedness, while an apostate earns back Willpower for causing another to doubt her faith. Pick a destiny and fulfill it.
Ban: Never act with intent of kindness. Embrace evil and suffering whenever possible.

It's a strange world out there, and you're determined to find out more about it. Whether it's esoteric subjects like alchemy or the geography of the parallel dimensions, or more "worldly" matters like the interactions of various magics or the creation of ephemera, you have keen insights into the matter. You may not be willing to reveal all the tricks of your trade, but you enjoy the accord you receive as a student of the great unknown. Other affairs can wait so long as there is new spirituality or metascience to hold your attention.
Quest: Whenever you develop a new theory about supernatural phenomena and get a chance to test it out, you gain Willpower. Storytellers should be judicious in awarding Willpower only for shocking new discoveries, and not everyday developments in a character's mystical life.
Ban: Never resist a chance to dabble in the mysteries of the world, even if you risk your life for it.

"Everything always turns out for the best." That is the motto of your life, and you know if you can just stay cheerful and stop worrying, your problems will never be with you forever. Some call you a fool, but even they have to admit you're happier than they are. Certainly you'll encounter difficulties from time to time, but there's no sense in worrying yourself to death in advance. Don't worry, be happy, and have a nice day.
Quest: Regain a Willpower point whenever things turn out for the best, just like you said they would. You must predict such an outcome, either out loud to the other characters or to yourself (tell the Storyteller).
Ban: Don't fall to pessimism. Keep cheery.

Unwelcome though they may sometimes be, messages come from the spirit world and the future which cannot be ignored. You are the figure who receives and interprets these signs, and your burden is to warn others of their impending meaning. Your presence may not be wanted, but it is needed, and you refuse to abandon your sacred mission. Perhaps you have revelations from a gift at birth, or a magical blessing, or even the spirits of the dead speaking with you, but you do your best to interpret the truth and share it with others. Some regard you with reverence, others with dread, but you are sworn to your obligation to pursue the truth and reveal it to others.
Quest: Whenever you intervene on behalf of spiritual and mystical agencies, delivering messages and omens for them, you regain Willpower, especially if these augurs come to pass.
Ban: Never turn away from a revelation simply because it is unpleasant or others do not wish to hear it.

Up until now, you have lived a pampered, protected life. Suddenly, you have been forced out into the light and faced with the harsh realities of the world. You find it difficult to trust anyone, and yet you fervently wish for someone to come along and take care of you. You have no experience dealing with the dangers and hurts of the real world. Wide-eyed and innocent, each new disaster threatens to shatter your world. You let others make your decisions for you, not out of preference, but rather as a result of the insecurity you feel when faced with problems.
Quest: Whenever you escape a frightening situation with your sense of well-being and innocence intact, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never trust a stranger; never reveal yourself to anyone.

You are a loner, a drifter on the outskirts of society, and you can ultimately only rely on yourself. You've seen the way that other, "civilized" beings betray and plot against each other, and you want none of it. Friends are just people who'll eventually use you, and every love eventually fades, and leaves you more empty for it. You are a bitter pessimist who feels failed by others, and withdraws as a result.
Quest: Whenever you prove that you do not need anyone or anything to survive, regain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never permanently associate yourself with any group or individual.

You look out at the world and see an ocean of mindless automatons that haven't the slightest clue as to what it's all about. You believe it's your duty to take advantage of them. How else are they going to learn? A thief and a cad, you take what you want from others without a moment's hesitation and guilt. If your victims are stupid enough to be victims, then you see no reason not to use and abuse them. You feel no pity for people– they've made their own beds, and now they can lie in them.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you commit a completely selfish that hurts someone.
Ban: Never do anything that helps others more than it hurts them or helps you, in the long run.

The Outsider is something of a passive rebel, defining himself by the things he does not participate in. He does not strive to bring down those social structures he disagrees with. Instead, hte Outsider examines those structures for some way to reflect and understand himself. Servants, artists, criminals and vagrants are the most common Outsider Archetypes.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you discover something about yourself through the decisions someone else makes, especially when those decisions are different than those you make.
Ban: Don't actively go with the flow or take an active part against/for something. Remain the observer.

You are the quintessential competitor, and your story is that of the brave, stalwart athlete or hero. Constantly searching for new challenges to overcome, new adversaries to wrestle, new causes to fight for and protect, you live for the chance to slay the monster and fulfill the quest or win the game. Without the thrill of striving against others (or yourself), life quickly becomes dull and meaningless.
Quest: Whenever you successfully overcome a truly challenging situation, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never refuse a fair challenge, or a chance to prove your courage.

You love to see other people happy, and do whatever you can to encourage them, whether through playing matchmaker or refilling a drink. Perhaps you live vicariously through their experiences, or perhaps you just feel that others sometimes need a little push from you to find their fulfillment. You spend more tome on this than you do pursuing your own interests and gain great pleasure from it. A skilled manipulator, you work most of your magic from behind the scenes, dropping hints or subtle encouragement.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you cause someone else's happiness or fun without them realizing your part in it.
Ban: Never do anything that you know would undermine another's happiness.

Like Pandora, you just can't seem to keep your box shut. You open your mouth, and trouble flows from it in great crashing waves. You just can't help yourself. You love to get someone in trouble by revealing their secrets for them. Furthermore, your curiosity often overcomes you, especially if you have been forbidden to go somewhere or do something. The more someone insists that you shouldn't do something, the more it makes you want to do exactly that.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you survive something dangerous that you were strictly forbidden to do or warned against.
Ban: Never keep a secret; never obey an order.

You have seen all the malice of the world, and know better than to simply accept anything at face value. The more someone seems innocent, the more likely that it's all a ruse, and they're working for their own interests. You know that there's always a string attached, a hidden clause that someone is waiting for you to agree to. Consequently, you are wary of everyone and everything, placing little trust in others. You watch everyone like a hawk, and see agendas and conspiracies everywhere. You are often more than a little desperate, as you feel the walls closing in around you, and can't determine who to trust. Ultimately, you may exploit others just to have an ally that you know you can rely on, but you always watch for the first sign that they are about to betray you.
Quest: You regain Willpower every time your distrust and scrutiny of others yields information that can be used against them, especially if they were about to use it against you.
Ban: Never trust anyone without having something on them.

You are the most attractive, smartest, best person in the world, and you want to make sure that everyone knows it. If you're not the center of attention, you're not happy. As long as you're being heaped with praise and adulation, you're the most gracious, modest-seeming person around, but as soon as attention is diverted from you, you become vicious. You are not above tantrums and fits of violence in order to draw others' notice. Jealousy rules your choice of friends and enemies.
Quest: Whenever you conclusively prove that you are the best at something, you regain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never admit failure or fault.

You know it all, and desperately want to inform others. Whether through a sense of purpose or a genuine desire to help others, you make sure that your message is heard– at length, if necessary. Unlike the removed Sage, you are more than willing to lecture those who lose their way. You may be a well-meaning mentor, or a verbose blowhard who loves to hear yourself talk. You are unlikely to sit idly by as others make the mistakes that you made, though you may not necessarily have the answers to suit their problems.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever someone benefits from wisdom that you have imparted to them.
Ban: Never miss an opportunity to instruct someone in the proper manner of doing something (though you may do so politely, embarrassing them serves no real purpose).

You exist to atone for a grave sin you have committed, or feel that you committed. You have either a low self-esteem or a legitimate, traumatic past, and you feel compelled to "make up" for your previous actions. You are not necessarily religious; you may simply wish to scourge the world of the grief that you bring to it. You feel remorse for your actions of the past, or perhaps even actions you continue to commit, and are conflicted about how to atone for these crimes. As such, you do not let yourself rest easily, living a life of constant contrition, avoiding creature comforts, and seeking some answer for your existence.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you fully atone for something you have done wrong (or perceive as something you've done wrong), on an equal magnitude of atonement for crime.
Ban: Never let yourself become too comfortable. Never praise yourself or accept praise.

You can't stand imperfection, not in others and certainly not in yourself. Neither can you tolerate those who do not do everything they can to do their best, to make everything neat and proper and right in their lives. Though you may be strict with others, it is with yourself that you are most critical - everything must always be in its place, and you must always do the best and be the best.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you accomplish something flawlessly, without a single mistake, falter, wound, hesitation, confusion, hindrance or obstruction.
Ban: Never revoke a chance to perfect something.

You have a highly defined sense of morality and always strive to do the "right" thing. This invariably consists of helping others and doing good deeds without the expectation of reward. You may base your ethical code on your belief in a higher morality (i.e. some divine source), or it may just spring naturally from within you. Your ethics are rational and logically consistent (at least you believe they are). You are forever balancing your actions against your system of beliefs.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you make a positive difference in someone's life.
Ban: Never accept a reward for your generosity. Never cause deliberate harm to an innocent.

You interpret reality very differently than everyone else, but in a benign fashion. The world is a place of endless, childlike wonder to you. Even the most destitute places seem like storybook palaces. You are an eternal ingenue, and your world view makes you generally very trusting of others. This does not necessarily mean that you are easy to manipulate, however. Because of your strange mental state, you are easily distracted, but you may also notice things that other people miss. You tend to be highly creative.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you avoid a particularly unpleasant truth.
Ban: Never take anything too seriously.

Everything you do is planned. Very little springs from you spontaneously. Your plans are often long and involved, sometimes extending beyond the lives of the mortals involved in them. Details must be exact, for you believe any deviation could bring ruin. You try to plan everything in your life; each thing you do must accomplish something in the greater scheme. Deviation from routine, however, is bothersome, not traumatic. You are organized, not deranged. You tend to be neat and precise in everything you do.
Quest: You regain three points of Willpower when one of your plots comes to fruition in the exact manner you planned.
Ban: Refuse to be spontaneous and avoid not planning.

Meeting trouble (or anything else ) head-on is the tactic of fools and optimists. The sensible way to deal with trouble is to deny it a target. While some people might accuse you of sticking your head in the sand, they do have to admit that it has remained on your shoulders for quite some time, and looks like it will continue to do so indefinitely. You never confront what you can evade, and never face anything unless there is no other option. Courage is not high on your list of virtues, but then the line between courage and folly is virtually nonexistent to your eyes.
Quest: Regain one point of Willpower whenever you are able to avoid a problem or situation without dealing with it.
Ban: Avoid direct conflict.

The quintessential pooka, you delight in the playing all manner of jokes and pranks. You do this for any number of reasons. You may merely want to amuse people, or you may be trying to show people that they take themselves much too seriously. The pranks you play may be as simple as a pie in the face, or as elaborate as a royal family tree. These pranks are rarely harmful or done out of spite, and usually result in no more than a few bruises or some personal embarrassment.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time you pull off a particularly artful prank.
Ban: Never verbally apologize for a prank (indirect acts of contrition are possible). Never take anything too

You self-worth is based entirely on the opinions of others. You crave approval and praise, and will go to extreme lengths to get such - even risking yourself and things you love. Unlike the Sycophant, you do not think of protection, and you have no thought of using others' good opinions to your own advantage - you simply crave praise and approval for their own sake, so you can feel good about yourself.
Quest: Regain one Willpower point whenever another character offers unprompted praise, admiration or appreciation. If the appreciation is truly great, and/or the other character is powerful or particularly admired, the Storyteller may award extra points.
Ban: Never avoid a chance to receive praise.

You divide the world into those who hunt, and those who are hunted, and you are one of the trackers and killers. There is no thrill like the hunt– you may sometimes pick weaker prey, just to keep your skills sharp, but the true game is the smart, cunning, and swift equal. You may hunt animals for food, but you live for the thrill of the chase of smarter creatures. You may not necessarily kill what you catch, but you love to prove your excellence by being able to trap it. You decry civilization as an amusing game, but ultimately something to be shed for the thrill of the hunt itself. You are not a Savage, of course; you're more than willing to use technology, and to brag to others about your prowess, but you'll never let a machine or a trap get in the way of the hunt itself.
Quest: Whenever you stalk and capture, subdue, or kill a victim after an extended hunt, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never resist a challenge; never surrender once you have decided that a victim must be selected.

The Questor seeks to find the one great answer that will make sense of the world. With so much suffering and confusion all around her, the Questor wants simply to understand. The Questor attempts to boil down all quandries and dilemmas to their root conflicts and simplify all relationships into something digestible, manageable and surmountable. The Questor seldom feels at rest and may quietly believe that happiness can come only with an utter understanding of the world. Clergymen, scientists, contemplatives and spiritualists fulfill the Questor Archetype.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you reach some concise life lesson that could become a rule of thumb. This rule is inevitable disproved, but it's just answers you seek, after all, not necessarily the truth.
Ban: Avoiding a chance to find answers/life lessons.

The opposite of the Fop, you believe that substance is all that matters; therefore you play the militant slob to show how truly deep you are. You reject all such "surface ephemera" as bathing and basic grooming. Those who pay attention to such trivialities are affected snobs and beneath you. Just because you are a slob doesn't mean that you are really any deeper for all that. Those who see past your grimy exterior and really take the opportunity to know you may well find you no more genuine than the Fop.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you expose another person as a fraud.
Ban: Never dress appropriately for an occasion.

You are a greedy sensualist, a miser, a glutton, an obsessive collector, and a hoarder of experience. You care little for other people, except as objects to collect and use at your whim, pretty things to set around and provide you with pleasure. You revel in material gratification and show off your good taste at every opportunity. Sharing is not a word that you recognize, however. You flaunt what you own, be it the beautiful woman on your arm or the glittering diamond on your finger, but you would never consider giving a gift to anyone or helping the needy.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you succeed in your pursuit of pleasure.
Ban: Never give anything away without either hope of reward or a hard fight.

You are a malcontent, iconoclast and free-thinking recalcitrant. You are so independent-minded and free-willed that you are unwilling to join any particular cause or movement. You are just yourself and only desire the freedom to be yourself. You do not make a good follower and aren't usually a very good leader either (unless your followers are willing to go wherever you lead). You tend to be insubordinate to authority to the point of stupidity.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever your rebellion against the status quo turns out to be for the best.
Ban: Conforming to authority/Conforming to the status quo.

Nobility in the purest sense, you are the ruler, the patriarch or matriarch. You are the judge and legislator who sorts right from wrong. More than any other, you feel the heavy burden of duty and obligation. Often, you have to deal our punishment. Although you despise it, it is a necessary part of your responsibilities, and you perform it with as much wisdom and fairness as you can muster. You have resigned yourself to the fact that regency is a lonely and often misunderstood mission, and you do not let your personal feelings interfere with the charge of your station.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you resolve a situation through the strength of your leadership.
Ban: Never compromise or shirk your duty or the laws by which you live, whatever they may be.

You are an enigma, the mystery that no one can figure out. You are in love with secrets and never give a truly straight answer to any question. You obscure everything in double entendres, mysterious terms, and outright lies. You take joy in confusing and confounding others, satisfying your own need to feel that your intellect is superior to theirs. You are especially careful to shroud your own psyche in deepest mystery, and your greatest fear is that someone will learn what you're really like.
Quest: Whenever you manage to confuse or mislead someone, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never allow others to discover the truth of you and your origins.

You have your gang and you rule them with an iron fist. You work hard to build and strengthen your organization, preaching loyalty and submission to the cause you embody. You will not stand for your law or authority to be undermined. While you understand that a group is more powerful than any one individual, you do not consider yourself equal to your band of followers. You are the head, and you use them at your whim to further your own goals.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you accomplish something as a direct result of the devotion of your followers.
Ban: Never allow any one person to endanger the whole of your organization or your goals.

You don't need to work; so many others out there can get the job done for you. Others see you as a leech, but while they're licking their wounds, and cleaning their boots, you're spending your share of the pot. All things considered, you prefer taking the path of least resistance. There's always some gung-ho hero ready to leap to the fore and do all the dirty work. Why not let him? And so what if you're there with your hand out when it's time to reap the reward. You didn't ask that guy to do it; you just didn't offer to help.
Quest: Whenever you achieve something that you do not really deserve, regain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never work for something when it can be had for free.

You are the advisor, the wise one, the teacher. You have traveled many places and seen many things. You have learned, and you willingly share your insights with others. The quest for knowledge and wisdom is paramount to your goals in life. You see something to be learned in every situation. Like the old man of the mountain, you don't force your wisdom on others, but share it with an open heart to any who wish to learn.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever someone follows your advice and succeeds at his chosen task.
Ban: Never stand in another's chosen way, for the path to wisdom is difficult for everyone.

You like to push the boundaries other others and try to see how much they can take - how much pain they can tolerate before they collapse. You gain a certain satisfaction from causing or observing suffering, humiliation, deprivation and even mutilation, especially when you are the cause of said pain and have control over it. You know that your need is somewhat perverse, but you know you aren't crazy. This is just the way you are.
Quest: Regain two points of Willpower whenever you bring suffering in a new way.
Ban: Refusing a chance to make another suffer or alleviating another of pain.

You feel the pain of those around you and strive to ease their suffering. You give freely of your time, your belongings and whatever else it takes to increase the happiness of others. This often places you in a position of martyrdom, so complete is your altruism. Your own happiness is secondary to that of others. You can become so obsessed with your cause that you endanger yourself. However, you would never do anything that might bring harm to others. You exemplify a life of simple faith and charity, encouraging others to do the same, unlike the Martyr, who undertakes his sacrifice alone.
Quest: Whenever you protect someone else or alleviate their suffering, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never knowingly cause distress or harm to anyone.

For you, the only viable way to live is like the animals in the forest, eating what you catch, mating when the urge strikes, and fighting to establish superiority. Everything else is senseless. Civilized conversation, etiquette, and technology– wastes of time. Modern inventions only distract you from your true nature, and keep you form satisfying the instincts that burn in your soul. You long for a return to the days of primal self-indulgence and the law of nature. In the meantime, you just live your life as if they were already here, feral and proud of it.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you conquer "civilized" foes through your own cunning and might.
Ban: Never indulge in civilized folly.

Someone has to plumb the mysteries of the world, for the good of others. You exemplify that role, carefully gathering all the information you can through natural and supernatural methods so that you can play the role of advisor and soothsayer. You pride yourself on the ability to ferret out the truth, the best path, and the answers, though you know that sometimes they will shock and terrify people. Still, you must gain whatever insight you can; to live in darkness is not to live at all. Whenever you can, you use supernatural methods to divine the best course of action, whether that is an innate gift you possess or communication with the spirit world.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever others act on your advice, especially that gained through supernatural means.
Ban: Never undertake any major course of action, or let any of your friends do the same, without at least a serious attempt to divine the future.

Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. You are a destroyer of social institutions, be they governments, businesses, or families. You never miss an opportunity to sow dissention or cause discord. Maybe you do this to help people break out of old, hidebound ways of doing things, but you mostly just enjoy destroying things that other people build. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. The sooner the huddled masses are on their own, the sooner they will realize that. You view yourself as a bold social visionary, an anarchist or a rugged individualist. This may be true, or you may just be a destructive child.
Quest: Gain Willpower every time you cause dissention in a tightly-knit group.
Ban: Never join a formal organization, except for the express purpose of disrupting it or using it to disrupt other organizations.

Like the Pishogue, you see the world in a very different way than most. Unfortunately, it is a very ugly place. You are a human zombie, an emotional sleepwalker who sees the world as a never-ending horror show. The World of Darkness has finally gotten to you. You accept mindless brutality as the natural order of things. Perhaps you react to this reality by joining in the mayhem, or perhaps you've retreated behind a wall of emotionless detachment. This is not to say that you have no sense of moral outrage, it just takes the most inhuman of atrocities to even register on your screen. Your primary motivations are selfish desire and immediate personal gratification.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you encounter a horrific experience without betraying emotion.
Ban: Never show an extreme emotion, even in crisis situations.

Most people are hungry for knowledge, whether they know it or not. You are more than happy to share yours, for a price. You are a sophist in the old sense of the word, one who teaches solely for self-gain. Is that so wrong? Unfortunately, you just assume that people want what you are selling. When the ungrateful fools don't meet your price you become… agitated. You believe you know more than everyone else. You will rarely back down from your original argument, no matter how much sophistry and facile logic you have to employ to convince everybody that you know best.
Quest: Gain Willpower every time you win an argument or debate.
Ban: Never admit you are wrong.

Rather than stepping into the limelight, you prefer to support and help those who do. You are Tonto to the Lone Ranger, Watson to Holmes, Kato to the Green Hornet. You care nothing for glory or recognition, but merely seek the chance to be a small part of the process. You abide by the words of your present hero, and no task is too menial for you if your hero requests it.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you play a supporting role in an accomplishment, but take no credit for it.
Ban: Never contradict or undermine your current heroic companion.

You take the unavoidable sorrows (and joys) of life in stride. You have a calm and serious mind, and rarely give into unseemly displays of emotion. This does not mean that you do not have feelings, you just do not wear them on your sleeve. The most people will ever get out of you is a slight smile or a small frown. Some Stoics have fierce malcontent sides that they hold back for years, passionate whirlwinds which explode out when they have finally borne all they can.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you come through an emotionally charged situation with your composure intact.
Ban: Never let your emotions get the better of you.

No matter what, you always manage to survive. You can endure, pull through, recover from, outlast and outlive nearly any circumstance. When the going gets tough, you get going. You never say die, and never give up - never. Nothing angers you as much as a person who doesn't struggle to make things better, or who surrenders to the nameless forces of the universe.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you survive a difficult situation through your own cunning and perseverance.
Ban: Submitting to failure.

In the grand scheme of things, you are small and weak and unfit for survival. Your best hope is to find someone who is more powerful than you are and persuade her to take care of you. In return you will serve, admire and follow her. You will do anything she says, unless it puts you in great risk. In any type of uncertain situation, you will attach yourself to the strongest-seeming person, siding with her, performing various barely necessary services and generally trying to ingratiate yourself. Thereby you hope to earn some kind of protection. There is no limit to the depths to which you will lower yourself in order to be accepted, and you have no pride.
Quest: Regain one Willpower point whenever a stronger character to whom you have attached yourself acts in your defense, be it siding with you in an argument or protecting you from physical harm.
Ban: Being independent, being stronger than another.

No chance is too slim, no risk too great, no longshot too far for your tastes. You love the thrill of the wind in your hair, and the gasps of the crowd as you do what they didn't believe was possible. The people who tell you that it can't be done are simply cowards, with no appreciation for your skill or knowledge of your past accomplishments. You aren't happy unless your adrenaline is racing; you might prefer to perform for others, but you'll take the risk simply for your own enjoyment if no audience is handy. It's certainly possible that you are a braggart, and even the most humble thrill-seekers fly in the face of convention and promote others to take risks which most would deem unacceptable. You are constantly looking for the next high, the next rush, and it has to be better than the last one, or else it's just boring. You rush in where angels fear to tread.
Quest: Whenever you take a life-threatening risk that pays off for you, you gain Willpower.
Ban: Never take the easy way when there's a more exciting and dangerous path.

In a world which has forgotten its roots, you still see the old ways as the best. You speak fondly of the "old days," not to chastise as the Humbug does, but with the hopes of instructing others in avoiding the mistakes of the past. It's likely that others see you as an old fuddy-duddy, with your outdated dress and manner of speaking, but you refuse to turn your backs on them, responding in as mentorly and sagacious a fashion as you can. If there's an old ritual or celebration, a forgotten tidbit of lore, or an archaic custom, you see the beauty and worth in it, and try to encourage that same respect in others. It's likely that you've fallen behind the times, and may not be aware of the newest rages among various cultures; you probably see them as passing fads, or not worthy of attention until they have withstood the test of time.
Quest: Whenever you prove to others that the old ways work best (forgotten lore, customs, and the like), you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never try anything new without first doing it the old-fashioned way.

The Trickster finds the absurd in everything. No matter how grim life or unlife may become, the Trickster always uncovers a kernel of humor within it. Tricksters cannot abide sorrow or pain, and so they strive to lighten the spirits of those around them. Some Tricksters have even higher ideals, challenging static dogma by exposing its failures in humorous ways. Comedians, satirists and social critics are examples of Trickster Archetypes.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower any time you manage to lift others' spirits, especially if you are able to deny your own pain in the process.
Ban: Submitting to a serious life, submitting to sorrow/pain and embracing negativity.

You walk in a fog of pink and lilac optimism, feeling emotions more strongly than others and expressing them at every opportunity. You are an idealist who believes in the potential for a perfect world, a perfect love, a perfect life. You step into every situation with enthusiasm and wide-eyed wonder, anxious to experience the thrill of the moment. When you love, you love with abandon. When you cry, your tears would fill an ocean. When you are happy, you make sure everyone knows it. Forgiving and loving, you rarely find it in yourself to hate anyone, seeing them instead as just another fascinating piece of your glorious world.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you complete a task in the name of a higher ideal (love, friendship, romance, etc.).
Ban: Never hide your feelings.

Similar to the Pandora, trouble follows you wherever you go. Unlike the innocence of that other archetype, however, you have a mean streak a mile wide, and are just waiting to bite the hand the feeds you. You are the scorpion who stings the wolf as he swims across the river, dooming you both to drown because it's simply in your own nature. You strike first as a means of protecting yourself, and feign innocence to shield you from your accusers. What's more, you have a love of ingratiating yourself among those you want to destroy, gaining their confidence so that the sting of your bite hurts all the more. You protest your innocence even when caught red-handed, but will strike again the moment their backs are turned. Getting away with it doesn't even enter your mind; you're concerned first with the delight of the betrayal, and covering your tracks later.
Quest: Whenever you manage to feign innocence and still wreak havoc, you gain Willpower.
Ban: Never reveal your true colors to anyone; always protest your innocence.

There are few people who can say that they have mastered a given field, and you are one of them. You are a specialist, striving for excellence in a small number of related disciplines. Even if you have not yet reached the level of excellence that you desire, you consider yourself an authority (though you admit that you have more to learn). You fear all your attention toward learning more about your field of expertise.
Quest: Gain a point of Willpower every time you accomplish something that brings you closer to mastering your intended field of study.
Ban: Never become involved in tangential matters for too long.

You are strong enough to look beyond the mundane and see the truly wondrous. You test accepted social limits and question authority not to destroy the old order, but to bring the dream to realization. You often question what others could be doing, as opposed to what they are doing. Wide-eyed but hardly naive, you possess a charisma and a vision which may either threaten others or draw them to you, depending upon their feelings about tradition and the changes you wish to enact.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time you are able to convince others to have faith in your dreams and follow the course of action dictated by your vision.
Ban: Never resist an opportunity to explain your vision to others, or correct a flawed system to correspond with your dream of the world remade.

You are shy, and feel that your best place is hanging back when social grace or heroism are called for. Nonetheless, you are always attentive, paying attention for the chance to do your part. You keep to the wings, watching carefully, and making notes as to who is up to what. You don't feel you will ever shine, but you might be able to do your part to help others. Nonetheless, you resist anyone who tries to draw you out too much, retreating to the shadows where it's safe. Unlike the Lurker, you aren't quick to cut yourself off for the sake of your own skin, and may secretly befriend others, so long as it doesn't force you into the limelight.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you learn a juicy secret or important piece of information by holding your tongue and paying attention.
Ban: Never make a scene, or speak up when you think your opinions aren't wanted. Never volunteer information without prompting.

Your story is that of the endless wanderer, the great explorer and adventurer who has a love in every port and rarely stays in any one place for long. You live by your own wits, though your restless nature often lands you in dangerous situations. A reactionary, you act first and think later. This sometimes saves you; other times, it gets you in trouble. Impatient and easily bored, you are always looking for the next adventure.
Quest: Whenever you survive a life-threatening scene through your own cleverness, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never plan for the future.

You cultivate an aura of power and mystery similar to the Riddler, but you are more concerned with being held in high regard. You are the strange one, the medium, the truthsayer and the seer whose powers are unfathomable to others. You may study the magic, methods of soothsaying, or even the ways of the dead, but this is always to the maximum effect on others around you. Your objective is to convince them that you are a dangerous, implacable sorcerer, someone who is to be feared and revered. You delight in being held at arm's length by anyone you consider "common" and are unlikely to associate with anyone who can reveal the nature of your powers or source of wisdom. You hold yourself above all others, and expect the same from everyone else.
Quest: Whenever you convince others that they do not, cannot possibly understand you and your powers, gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never submit to being "one of the crowd." Never let anyone condescend to you.

You delight in the beauty of nature, the serene calm of harmony with the elements and the animals around you. Your idyllic view of nature may not always be true, but you live in a delightful dream of peace with your surroundings, taking only what you need and avoiding the excesses of modern civilization. In some ways, you are the counterpart of the Savage, but their cruel and barbaric ways have no place in your dream of harmony. You cultivate the wilderness around you, unafraid of being occasionally pricked by a thorn if it means you get to enjoy the beauty of a rose.
Quest: Gain a point of Willpower every time you show that the natural way is best, avoiding human artifice and technology for a more wild way of life.
Ban: Never let anyone threaten the beauty of the unspoiled wilderness, and nature itself.

You have no positive self-image, and assume that everyone else hates you as much as you hate yourself. Perhaps you are the wallflower who never gets asked to dance or the loser who was never invited to birthday parties; regardless, you believe that everyone hates you and that you are a pitiful outcast. Sometimes you seek pity and aid from others. Other times you seek to punish them for their pity and aid, being especially hard on anyone who shows you compassion and caring.
Quest: Whenever others vilify you as worthless or throw up their hands in despair of ever getting through to you, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never admit to success.
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