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 Natures and Demeanors A-K

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Natures and Demeanors A-K Empty
PostSubject: Natures and Demeanors A-K   Natures and Demeanors A-K EmptyFri Jan 11, 2013 3:47 am


The twin faces of a character's archetype, Nature and Demeanor, point at aspects of his personality that lie beyond and beneath any specific aptitude or knowledge. Nature is the 'Big Story' about a character: When everything else fails or falls away, this is what is left. This thing that most drives him in the face of all adversity. His Nature. Demeanor is the essence of the character's own outward personality. Sometimes, it is identical to the Nature, when the character simply is what he appears to be. In other cases, it can be quite different, whether through deliberate deception, self-denial on the part of the character, or the accumulation of cover stories and partial truths that define many people. The character's inner-nature does matter in play, and not just for the reason of roleplaying completeness. The Willpower trait measures a character's available mental, physical, and spiritual reserves for moments of greater than usual effort. Over time, the character can draw on these reserves and they can run out. Significant accomplishments in accord with the character's Nature are the key to restoring lost Willpower. Briefly, when the character achieves the kind of thing toward which his Nature drives him, one or more points of spent Willpower become available in the character's Willpower pool again.

Keep in mind that Nature and Demeanor are guidelines and summaries, and not set-in-stone ways that seal off all possibilities.

"As above, so below…" runs the alchemical axiom, and you believe it. There is more to be learned in the lab and the library than anywhere else, and the results are so much clearer in those venues. You are a student of the mysteries, a dabbler into metasciences, and an explorer of forgotten lore. What's more, you believe that the answers to everyday problems, both mundane and esoteric, are found in the operations that one performs magically. You are rational and methodical, relying on careful consideration and an implicit (if not entirely consistent) logic.
Quest: Whenever a breakthrough gives you a greater understanding of the magical axioms which allow supernaturals to function, you gain Willpower.
Ban: Never participate in social games or other "distractions" when there is work to be done in the lab.

Your sense of purpose goes beyond your own needs; you try to create something of lasting value for those who will come after you. People need many things, and you gain satisfaction by providing whatever you can. You are the type of person who makes an effort to build something of value: to found a town, create a company or in some way leave a lasting legacy. Many American pioneers were Architects by Nature.
Quest: Whenever you create or establish something of importance or lasting value, you gain a Willpower.
Ban: Never work towards a goal that will destroy something that someone has put their time and effort into. You may only improve on it.

There's no substitute for hard work, no matter what anyone says. Ultimately, you know that nothing is ever accomplished unless people are willing to toil at it, tirelessly getting the job done. Other people may flit about, with their intrigues and their love affairs, but in the end, it's sweat, tears, and blood which get the job done, and any person who says otherwise has no idea what he's talking about, as far as you're concerned. You don't labor for glory, but for the pride of a job well done, and it's almost impossible for you to be at peace with a project still incomplete, tugging at the corner of your mind. You're not afraid of heavy labor, and regard the calluses on your hands as a badge of honor. You are proud of your work, but not arrogant towards anyone, as long as they have respect for your toil.
Quest: Whenever your labor at a task at the expense of yourself finally pays off with success, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never rest easily until your current projects are complete.

The Artiste is interested in art for art's sake. The ability to create is what elevates humans above the animals. The Masters knew this and rejoiced not just in the glory of human form, but in the gift of expression given only to humans. The Artiste thrives on the reception and digestion of her art — and usually the acceptance of it as well. Poets, playwrights, painters, composers and other such romantic demonstrative sorts are Artiste Archetypes. They can typically be found in Parisian and Budapest coffee or absinthe houses, university quads and dilapidated brothels or hostels serving as communes.
Quest: Whenever you manage to 'reach' an audience through something you've created, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never do something that would undermine a work of art. Your own or that of someone else.

Life is a learning experience, and you always strive to improve yourself. Every obstacle is a potential opportunity, and you rarely rest on the laurels of past accomplishments for very long. This means that you spend most of your time pursuing different goals. Unlike the Virtuoso, your aspirations tend towards gaining general excellence, rather than mastering one particular field. You view the pursuit of a goal to be just as important as obtaining it. As a result, others may see you as a jack-of-all-trades but a true master of none, someone who abandons projects once he becomes bored with them. The challenge of learning the new thing is what interests you, so your accomplishments are likely to be diverse, but not entirely noteworthy.
Quest: Gain Willpower every time you overcome an obstacle.
Ban: Never pass up a learning opportunity.

You wouldn't have to keep such secrets if everyone wasn't trying to use your history, your opinions, and your true feelings against you all the time. But everyone wants in to your life, mostly to manipulate you, and the best way to avoid this is to reveal as little as possible. Everyone keeps secrets, and you don't necessarily see a reason to lie; whose business is it anyway, aside from yours? Others may see you as a distant loner, or a mysterious plotter, but you're mostly trying to keep them from manipulating you. Odds are if someone reveals how they really feel to you, they're either lying to manipulate you or a fool who hasn't learned the way the world really works yet. Maybe you'll give them a pointer, as long as it doesn't tip your own hand to do so.
Quest: Whenever you manage to reveal nothing while under scrutiny, regain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never reveal your thoughts to others; never place too much trust in those who do.

It's your way or the highway. You want to be in charge, and seek prominence for its own sake, not necessarily because you have the organization's best interests at heart or have the best ideas, though certainly you think both of those things are true. You may genuinely believe that others are incompetent, but ultimately you crave power and control. You are likely to justify your authority through imagined or real threats, and though your leadership may be solid, you also brook no argument from those with equally valid alternate viewpoints.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you achieve control over a group or organization involving other individuals.
Ban: Never tolerate disobedience or disrespect.

You must always be in the forefront - always the first with a piece of news, a dance or fashion trend, or a discovery in the arts. Nothing pains you more than hearing news secondhand, or someone else telling you about a hot new band. New discoveries are your life, and you devote a great deal of time and effort to keeping up with things. After all, if you're not in the forefront, you're nowhere.
Quest: Whenever you are the first with a piece of news or some other significant discovery, you regain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never allow distraction to sway you from your course, when you know that a piece of fresh news might be at stake.

Civilization is the trap that the clever set for the weak, and in which they end up snaring themselves. Truly intelligent, brave, strong people understand that sedentary existence only brings you that much closer to the grave, and that what counts is what you achieve as an individual. You respect only actual deeds. Anyone can boast or scheme, but all words vanish in the end. Only deeds remain, having changed the world.
Quest: When you beat 'civilized' competition through your barbaric virtues, gain back a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never embrace the concepts of civilization as a means to an end.

You seek to conquer all who oppose you, destroying them if possible. Your world view is defined by those who bow to you and those who get eaten because they didn't. To you, all exists at and for your pleasure. You play people off each other, like chess pieces on a board, with no consideration for anyone's needs but your own. You take what you want without asking, and you destroy those weaker than yourself for amusement.
Quest: Whenever you remove significant opposition to your goals, gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never retreat; never compromise your territory.

You are a prankster at heart, and do not care who gets hurt as long as you get a good laugh out of it. Spiteful, mean-spirited pranks are your favorite, though you may occasionally play more benign ones. The results of your jokes usually range from the merely mean to the fatal. Like the Prankster, your jokes may range in intricacy, but motivations tend more towards spite and revenge.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you pull off a particularly artful or mean-spirited prank.
Ban: Never apologize for a prank. Never let any intentional sleight from a human go by without a prank as repayment.

Bon Vivant
You know that life is shallow and meaningless. As such, you decide to enjoy your time on Earth, because who knows what comes afterwards? You're not necessarily irresponsible; rather, you are simple predisposed to having a good time along the way, even if its at the expense of others. You know that once the music stops, you'll have to face the real world, and its simply too painful to focus on for long. Instead, you throw yourself into blissful denial, attending to your own pleasure rather than the cold, hard facts of life. Hedonists, sybarites, and dilettantes are all examples of this archetype.
Quest: Whenever you manage to enjoy yourself despite a bad situation, or because of it, you gain Willpower.
Ban: Never let the party end, even when it is long over, and everyone wants to go home.

You are known as a bully, a ruffian and a tough, and delight in tormenting the weak. Things must always go your way, and you do not tolerate those who cross you. Power and might are all you respect; indeed, you heed only those who can prove their power to you. You see nothing wrong with forcing your will upon others. There is nothing you like better than to persecute, antagonize, heckle and intimidate those for whom you have contempt - and of them there are many. The emotions of kindness and pity are not completely foreign to you, but you hide from your own sense of weakness through cruelty to others. While most Bravos despise the weak, a few become their protectors.
Quest: When you intimidate or physically force another person to do what you wish, gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never let another person get away with giving you 'No' for an answer. It just isn't acceptable.

Solid and practical, you approach every problem with common sense and pragmatism. You bring the conversation back to the point and ask the questions that get the right answers. Always prepared, you think about possible scenarios in advance and take precautions against them, or else are more than willing to use whatever's around to solve the matter. You love solving problems, both your own and those of others. You become frustrated with people who don't seem to think quite as logically as you.
Quest: Whenever you successfully apply a practical, homespun solution to any problem, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never miss an opportunity to solve a problem through practical application of logic and common sense.

Laws were created for a reason, and you have to be sure to follow them. Rules weren't made to be broken. Even mankind's laws aren't as easy to forget as some people might hope. You must follow the rules to a "T." If nobody follows the laws, civilization breaks down into chaos, and no one in their right mind wants that. Others probably see you as stodgy and hidebound.
Quest: Whenever you solve a situation "by the book," and can get others to follow correct procedures, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never willingly permit the laws and traditions to be broken, though you might accompany those who did so, if only to point out their mistakes.

You always try to help those around you, struggling to make a difference in the needs and sorrows of the unfortunate. People around you depend on your stability and strength to keep them steady and centered. You are the one people turn to when they have a problem.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you successfully protect or nurture someone else. It can be as small as a smile of support or a shoulder to lean on at an appropriate moment. You must help the other person in some way, though he need not acknowledge it openly.
Ban: Never refuse an offer to help someone in need.

You are a flamboyant soul, always seeking attention and the chance to be the brightest star. Dashing and heroic, you are as much interested in the style of greatness as its substance. You quip your way through even the most desperate of battles, never entirely taking the risk seriously, and always preparing for an exciting escape if the threat level becomes too high. Nothing excites you as much as a new audience to woo and win. While others may despise you as a pretentious image-obsessed brat, you aspire to the heroic ideal. You've simply become lost in the romantic notion of the hero, and refuse to part with it.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you make a scene, impressing and dazzling other characters.
Ban: Never do anything small. Never miss an opportunity to quip or do things in a showy, ostentatious fashion.

The Celebrant takes joy in her cause. Whether the character's passion is battle, religious fervor, foiling her rivals or reading fine literature, it gives the Celebrant the strength to withstand adversity. Given the chance, the Celebrant will indulge in her passion as deeply as possible. Unlike the Fanatic, the Celebrant pursues her passion not out of duty, but out of enthusiasm. Crusaders, hippies, political activists, and art enthusiasts are Celebrant Archetypes.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you pursue your cause or convert another character to the same passion. Conversely, lose a point of temporary Willpower whenever you are denied your passion or it is badly lost to you
Ban: Never deny a chance to embrace your cause.

The pursuit of pleasure is your reason for living. You may derive pleasure from any number of sources: sex, drugs, food, sensory stimulus of any kind. Choose one or all of the above. You spend most of your time and resources in pursuit of the vice of your choice, despite the pain that often accompanies it. More than the Bon Vivant, who simply denies reality with pleasure, you dive full-force into vice with the hopes that it will bring you enlightenment and power. While the Bon-Vivant is happy as long as he is enjoying himself, you want more, always skating the edge for your next thrill. Your appetite for pleasure is constantly increasing. You require ever more stimuli to satiate your jaded palate.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you spend a day pursuing one of your vices, or experience a completely new pleasurable sensation.
Ban: Never turn down an opportunity to fulfill your desires.

You exist to test the mettle of others, especially your so-called betters. You realize that most of the time, people pretend to be something that they're not to get what they want. Similarly, a lot of potential goes untapped because no one is willing to challenge themselves, and test their strength. That's where you come in. You see yourself as providing an invaluable service to the individuals and societies around you, by forcing them to realize their true strengths and capabilities. It's important to take the poseurs down a notch, and it gives you a chance to figure out where you fit into the hierarchy, as well. You're not willing to accept anything at face value; you don't have to be overt, but you're always looking for a chance to size others up.
Quest: Gain Willpower whenever you expose the weakness of others through direct confrontation, especially those who claimed to be something they weren't. Similarly, you gain Willpower whenever you prove to someone that they were stronger than they thought.
Ban: Never resist an opportunity to size someone up, man to man. Never trust someone until you've tested their mettle personally.

You are still immature in personality and temperament. Wide-eyed and innocent, you either know little about the world, or feign ignorance to get others to take care of you. At your worst, you are a brat: you want what you want now, and you prefer it if someone gives it to you. At your best, you have a refreshing attitude about the world, as you learn all about it, asking the questions that others have always assumed answers for, but never spoken out loud. Although you might be able to look after yourself, you would rather have a caretaker-type who would look after you.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you manage to convince someone to help you with no gain to herself, or to nurture you.
Ban: Never do things alone when there are others to help you.

Manners are for wimps, wusses, and mama's boys. Urrrrp! Rude and ill-bred, you scoff (and piss, and belch) at convention. Polite society is just a bunch of snobs with something up their butts and even more to hide. Unlike the Grotesque, you are not necessarily trying to be disgusting; you just think that the societal strictures governing personal comportment are unnecessary. You are… natural.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you get away with outraging polite society.
Ban: Never be polite.

You value friendship above all other things and strive to prove yourself worthy of other people's trust. Other values may be important to you, but you place your personal connections above all other considerations. You are willing to face almost any danger to aid friends in need, even if they do not always do the same in return.
Quest: Gain Willpower every time you aid a friend by risking your own interests.
Ban: Never terminate a friendship, even after your friend has violated your trust.

You are driven by the need to win at all costs. The thrill of victory is the only thrill you recognize; it is the thing that drives you. You see life as a contest and society as a dichotomy of winners and losers. You believe all the macho business proverbs - "if you're not lead dog, the view never changes"; "there are no prizes for second place"; "eat or be eaten." You try to turn every situation into a contest of some kind, and it is the only way you can relate to anything. You are capable of cooperating with others, but only by turning the group interactions into another contest: you must be the leader, or the most productive, or the most indispensable, or the best liked - anything, as long as it means you win in some way or another.
Quest: Regain one Willpower point whenever you win a contest of any sort, formal or informal. For truly impressive victories, the Storyteller may award more points.
Ban: Never refuse a chance to compete.

You understand people and, more importantly, you like them. You are a facilitator who listens and advises. People confess to you and in return you give them advice, most of which is good (though sometimes your advice is more for your own benefit than for that of the recipient). You are very interested in other people, and who and what they are. Personalities fascinate you, as do the sickness and beauty of human nature.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever someone confides in you on a personal and intimate level.
Ban: Never deny a chance to learn more about another individual.

You are a follower. Taking charge is just not your style. It is easy for you to adapt, attune, adjust, comply and reconcile yourself to whatever new situation you find yourself in. You flit to the brightest star, the person whom you feel to be the best, throwing your lot in with her. It is both difficult and distasteful for you to go against the flow or rebel. You hate inconsistency and instability, and know that by supporting a strong leader, you help prevent chaos from occurring. All stable groups need some kind of Conformist.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever your group (the brood) accomplishes something because of your support and aid.
Ban: Never go against the flow or against the pack.

Why work for something, when you can trick somebody else into getting it for you? You always try to find the easy way, the fast track to success and wealth. Some people call you a thief, a swindler, or less pleasant terms, but you know that everybody in the world would do unto you if they could. You just do it first, and better. You might be a criminal, but you probably see yourself merely as an entrepreneur, making good for yourself at the expense of fools. Why put yourself out when there are so many saps?
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you trick someone into doing something for you, without having to do work.
Ban: Never lift a finger if there's someone else who could do it for you.

The Coward fears himself above all. Whatever it is at the heart of the Coward cannot be revealed, or he will be vulnerable to attack or rejection. This utter separation from the outside world is terrifying, thus the Coward reveals morsels of his thoughts and feelings in hopes of love and approval. The Coward longs to be validated and accepted. Persons who seek out anonymous positions in the clergy or in military and industrial sectors are often of the Coward Archetype.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you reveal something about yourself without being hurt or utterly revealed.
Ban: Never take unnecessary risks or actions that may cause you hurt or problems.

Somewhat the social butterfly, you use wit, charm, and flirtation as tools to lighten the mood. You live for social interaction. You are a student of etiquette and a lover of dances, parties, and courtly gatherings. Your tact and grace often place you in the position of diplomat. Because your goal is harmony, you are deeply concerned with politics, ritual, custom, and the preservation of order. Often working behind the scenes, you soothe hurt feelings and encourage others to relax and have a good time.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you deflate a volatile solution and return the gathering to peace and harmony.
Ban: Never purposely make anyone angry or upset.

The urge to improve things burns strong within you. You see everything in terms of what you can do to make it better. Nothing brings you greater joy than creating something beautiful or useful out of the ugly or useless. You are never without a project of some sort, whether it is a painting, a sculpture, an organization, or the training and molding of a less-than-perfect individual. You enjoy the process, but can't wait to see the finished product.
Quest: Whenever you create something of lasting value, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never miss an opportunity to put your touch on something and improve it in some way.

Better a live coward than a dead hero. You live your life by those words. Unfortunately, this does not just mean that you have the good sense to avoid harrowing situations. You are a true coward in almost every area of your life. Your code applies to social situations and facing unpleasant truths about yourself, as well as avoiding physical danger. While you may put yourself in danger, you are always looking for the nearest escape route. You may be ashamed of your cowardice and occasionally perform heroic or bullying acts out of a need to prove yourself.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you save yourself by running away.
Ban: Never volunteer for dangerous assignments.

Nothing in the world should be accepted without thorough scrutiny and examination. Nothing is ever perfect, and the blemishes must be pointed out in order for the good to be truly known. Your standards are high for everything, and you insist on their being met. You encourage the same ideals in others, because laxity and low standards reduce the quality of life for everyone. Others will thank you later, once they discover the purity of your perspective. You seek out and expose the imperfections in every person or thing you encounter. You are never satisfied with anything that is less than perfect, unless it is within yourself after all, you're not a perfectionist.
Quest: Regain one Willpower point whenever you are able to discover a significant imperfection that has escaped the attention of others.
Ban: Lowering your high standards or refusing to critic something flawed.

You are an irascible, churlish person at heart, taking everything seriously and finding little humor in life (though you may have a wickedly barbed wit). Cynicism is your middle name; it is the tool with which you judge everything in life. You have a very well-defined understanding of how things really work, especially when they involve the circus of human endeavor. Long ago the foolish actions of others ceased to surprise you.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever someone does something stupid, just like you predicted. You must predict it either out loud to the other characters or in private to the Storyteller.
Ban: Never show optimism for the plans or thoughts of another.

A social climber at heart, you are an expert on court etiquette. Your goal is to get as high up the ladder as possible. Intrigue and gossip feed you, and you can always be found at the periphery of trouble, watching and listening to see what you can learn and possible use for your own benefit at a later time. Somewhat of a snob, you look back down the ladder with disdain, especially at those who might take your position from you. However, you know better than to burden your bridges. As a result, you tend to play the diplomat. You will do anything to make yourself look good, often helping others and taking risks in order to do so.
Quest: Whenever you succeed in strengthening your hold on your current social position or in getting a promotion, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never miss an opportunity to ingratiate yourself to one of your superiors.

You are the apple of everyone's eye, the precious, delicate creature that simply must be taken care of, treated with excessive caution and babied. You could be ignorant of the world, and thus a true innocent, genuinely weak-willed and weak-minded, requiring the need for care from others and possessing the charm to earn it, or manipulative and cunning, using what charms you may have to attain what you desire.
Quest: Regain a WP whenever the character is treated with unusual kindness, favoritism or consideration.
Ban: Never show the fact that you are, or can be, independent. Others must feel you need them.

Everything that matters in the world struggles to survive in the face of its enemies. This isn't necessarily a commitment to tradition, though. The thing you defend may be some fragile innovation or the hope of future progress. You may see your role in martial terms, or otherwise; this is an Archetype for healers and priests as well as warriors. You find your fulfillment in defending the cause to which you're given your allegiance.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you successfully defend your chosen object of loyalty from some outside threat.
Ban: Never deny a chance to defend your object of loyalty.

Others see you as a lover of pleasure and a consummate hedonist, but you want more. You like to take risks, and it secretly delights you when others can't keep up with them. You want more, always, and damn the expense. You also want others to know about it; you pursue pleasure as much for the rights to brag about it as the pleasure itself. You always kiss and tell, and delight when your exploits become the talk of the town. Though some may say that you are crass, you go out of your way to make yourself an object of envy and desire. You have a reputation to protect as a ferocious and insatiable pleasure-seeker, and you'll do anything to protect it.
Quest: Whenever you prove that you are the most extreme person, and that others cannot keep up with your appetites, you gain Willpower.
Ban: Never resist an opportunity to push things beyond acceptable limits.

There are always people who don't fit in, and you are such a miscreant. Your beliefs, motivations and sense of propriety are the complete antithesis of the status quo. You are not so much an aimless rebel as an independent thinker who does not belong in the society in which you were raised. You don't give a damn about other people's morality, but you do adhere to your own strange code of conduct. Deviants are typically irreverent, and some have truly bizarre tastes and desires.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you are able to thumb your nose at society and its precepts without retaliation.
Ban: Never side with the status quo.

The world is full of people who'd rather be right than have peace, firebrands who think with their tempers and not their brains. Someone has to try and get the parties involved to sit down and actually listen, and who better than you? You are patient, compassionate, and see all sides of the issue. Long after others would have tired of diplomacy, you remain the fair arbiter, neutral to the demands of others, willing to make peace but not at the expense of the rights of others. You may be calm, harried, pleading or stern, using a wide variety of tactics to suit your audience, but you can tailor your message to what people want to hear. Unlike the Courtier, you do not exist merely to please; you have a sense of what is right and just that drives you, and that won't let you settle for an agreement wherein one side has leverage over another.
Quest: Whenever you can bring people of disparate viewpoints to a mutually beneficial agreement, or at least keep the peace between them, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never make a decision without hearing all sides of the issue.

Nothing is worse than chaos and disorder, and it creeps in at a moment's notice. You seek to be in charge, not for the sake of your own power, but simply to keep everything running smoothly. You are perfectly willing to take a subordinate position, even to be rarely or never praised, if you could only make things more orderly and efficient. Alternately, you may see other leaders as a source of the problem, and demand a more central role in the structure of whatever organizations you belong to. You often have inventive new ways of doing things, but these innovations may get in the way of others and their habits.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you get a group to do something in a well-organized and efficient way.
Ban: Never miss an opportunity to inspect how things are done, and throw in your own two cents on the matter.

The thrill of chaos calls to you, but you see yourself as the center of a storm, twisting all around you while you remain unmoved. You are a master at being unfazed by the ever-changing tableau around you. Perhaps you take great risks, wading through combat or standing atop tall spires while a raging thunderstorm crashes all about. Alternately, perhaps the thrill of court, with its constant subtle manipulations and veiled violence calls to you. You are a master of smiling while they knife you in the back, and subtle reprisal is your calling. Others may regard you as a maniac, a removed manipulator, or an implacable mask-wearer, but you know only by holding fast to where you are can you survive the whirling storm all around.
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you manage to survive chaos, violence, or trouble by doing nothing, and maintaining exactly as you were about to do before.
Ban: Never flinch from danger, or retreat.

There is a whole world out there and no one really knows the first thing about it. You are only truly content when you are blazing a path into new territories, finding what's out there and bringing back news of it to others. You take risks so that others don't have to, but you also enjoy the thrill of putting yourself in the way of possible danger. At the same time, you know when it's best to act as an observer, and you have learned to move quietly when it is necessary. You may be excited or fearful of the great unknown, but, no matter what, you cannot resist its call.
Quest: Whenever you successfully explore new territory, find something that no one has ever seen before, or find a solution that no one else thought of, you gain Willpower.
Ban: Never pass an opportunity to be the first to discover something new. Never resist an opportunity to share your findings with others.

You live to manipulate the actions of others from the backdrop, from simple, every day activities to paramount accomplishments on a massive scale. Though this could be considered harsh control and nothing more, you know that it is nothing as coarse as that. There is a fine art to subtle manipulation, and you make it your life's goal to accomplish it with your subjects none the wiser. You might genuinely believe that you are subtley coercing your 'victims' into what is best for them, but it is equally as likely that you manipulate for your own purposes — Furthering your own cause, and your own goals through the supporting actions of others.
Quest: Regain a Willpower whenever you manipulate a person or situation to your desired ends (must be declared prior), without the subject being aware of your influence.
Ban: Never deny a chance to manipulate another human.

You have a purpose, and that purpose consumes your existence. You pour yourself into your cause; indeed, you may feel guilty for undertaking any objective that deviates from your higher goal. To you, the end justifies the means– the cause is more important than those who serve it. Whatever your cause, you'll stop at nothing to achieve it, and woe betide those who stand in your way. You consider it the highest goal to convert others to your cause, bringing them to your way of thinking, and adding them to your forces.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you convert others to your cause, or get them to step out of your way because of your zeal.
Ban: Never keep your ideals to yourself; never resist an opportunity to bring others into the fold.

Like Pooh's companion, Eeyore, you have a less-than-optimistic view of the world. You expect things to go wrong, and you take a dark and sullen pleasure when you're proven right. Because everything is doomed to end disastrously, there is no reason to struggle. You have no hope for a bright future, but rather are resigned to inevitable gloom. You find comfort in your pessimism, because you know you'll never be disappointed. Even when things turn out to have a happy ending, you know that it's only a temporary illusion and the real disaster is undoubtedly following right behind.
Quest: Regain Willpower when your warnings of doom turn out to be correct.
Ban: Never laugh except in bitterness and sarcasm.

You inflict pain for no other reason than the enjoyment you get out of watching others suffer. You are, in short, a sadist. You may have a hundred facile reasons for why you do what you do. Maybe you have really tried to stop, but the feeling of power that you get out of controlling others destinies always draws you back. You only feel truly alive when someone else is screaming in pain or begging for mercy. You live in fear that someone may give you what you really deserve. You should consult the Storyteller before taking this archetype.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time you really hurt someone.
Ban: Never pass up an opportunity to inflict pain.

You are the divine trickster, the clown, the one who laughs last and loudest. Because you believe that there is no meaning in the world, no underlying reason for anything, you take great pleasure in spoiling people's well-laid plans by sticking the proverbial monkey-wrench in the works. You almost feel it a duty to play the agent of chaos, knocking others off their pedestals of dogma and making them eat their spouted words of honor and nobility. Sometimes you work for weeks, months, or even years formulating your pranks, laying the foundation, and setting the trap so that when your prey steps into it, they fall all the harder.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you manage to deflate the ego of someone you have labeled as self-righteous.
Ban: Never search for the "whys" behind your life; there are none.

They call you "superficial," the uncouth swine. Some say you are arrogant and excessively concerned with such "surface" qualities as dress and manner. Piffle! Affected? You? You are one of the beautiful people, the czars of style. People judge others by their appearance, no matter how much they profess the opposite. You know that style beats substance any day of the week, and you have style in spades. Peasants, prepare to be dazzled!
Quest: Regain Willpower every time you outshine others in a social situation.
Ban: Never be out of style.

Unlike the Grotesque or the Riddler, there is something genuinely wrong with you. Perhaps you jabber to yourself in insane, made-up languages, or are perpetually silent, never speaking to anyone. Touched by lunacy or divine inspiration, your mind is a seething realm of chaos that you can barely understand, and you act out accordingly. You alarm others with your words and deeds, though they are sometimes quite profound.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever others are shocked or scared by your strange ways, especially if you accidentally hit on an alarming new insight.
Ban: Never resist letting your madness slip the leash and run free, expressing your strange notions about the world in actions and words.

The Futurist revels in the magnificent unknown. Humanity is at the threshold of a wondrous and exciting new age. That which is coming must be embraced. A Futurist might delight in the amazing developments of technology and human endeavor, or he might set out to discover new theories, principles and practices, often a manner similar to Celebrants. Futurism developed from the concept of manifest destiny and is sister to the science-fiction genre, also born of this era. Scientists, patrons, writers, teachers or any other forward-looking sort are often of the Futurist Archetype.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower whenever you first come upon some progressive device or concept. Reading about such things isn't enough. You have to meet people and touch things. At the Storyteller's discretion, you may regain two Willpower points whenever you actually contribute to the creation of some futuristic development.
Ban: Never deny yourself the chance of being apart of a new invention or embracing new developments in the world.

You are as flamboyant as you are amoral; some see you as a rogue, a Don Juan, a rake, a paramour or just a lounge lizard - but you see yourself as all of the above. A consummate actor who loves to make as big a show of things as possible, nothing attracts your attention more than an appreciative audience. You love people and you love to impress them even more. Though you may indeed be a superior lover, you enjoy the chase almost as much as you enjoy the act. Gallants vary widely in temperament and ambition, holding in common little more than their love of attention.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you manage to dazzle or impress another person. The Storyteller is always the judge, even when characters are involved.
Ban: Never refuse an attempt to promote your image.

Someone has to keep the powers-that-be honest. It might as well be you. No one is 100% right, and you always take great pleasure in pointing this out to everyone. Unlike the Humbug, you generally mean for your criticism to be helpful, though some still find it annoying. You especially criticize those in positions of power. You are persistent in your task, and no explanation is enough to completely mollify you. Even if everything happened exactly the way that you wanted it to, you would soon find something new to criticize.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time you win an argument with someone in power.
Ban: Never let anyone get the last word.

You love disgusting others and go out of your way to push their buttons. You prey on the sensibilities of others, with a blush or a shocked gasp for your applause. The more extreme the reaction, the happier you are. You make it your life's work to discover what upsets people and then inflict it upon them. A master of insults, you cut right to the heart, throwing out all propriety and etiquette in favor of shock value. Nothing is too low for you, from bodily noises to insulting someone's mother.
Quest: Whenever you cause someone to falter or lose his composure, regain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never display an overtly pleasant or appealing side of yourself.

Your enlightenment draws others to you. You may be a mentor of a particular Path of Enlightenment, a priest with the church, or merely an idealist in your pack. Whatever the case, your presence motivates and moves others to engage in spiritual or ideological pursuits. Your peers view you as calm, centered, and “with it,” even when you are preaching a bout violence as a means to an end.
Quest: Gain back a WP whenever someone heeds wisdom that you imparted.
Ban: Never betray a chance to mentor your comrades.

You have determined that you will never lack for anything. You amass great quantities of whatever you feel you need– food, wealth, followers. The idea of sharing anything is foreign to you; let others provide for themselves. You never know when there will be a shortage of something essential for survival, and you will not risk being caught empty-handed. In this age of coming Winter, you spend your days preparing for the hard times.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever your hoarding instinct pays off, particularly when others are in need but you are still provided for.
Ban: Never willingly surrender anything you have gained for yourself.

You have a moderate temperament, and refrain at all cost from telling lies and stealing from others. You were brought up to live honestly and openly, and to be good to others - you have lived your life (and unlife) by these simple truths ever since. You are not a dogmatist and do not insist that others live as you do, nor have you constructed a complicated set of rules for yourself. You are flexible in your behavior, but always carefully evaluate your actions against your beliefs.
Quest:You regain five points of Willpower if your honesty harms you or your friends in some way, but later turns out to help you. In other words, your honesty turns out to have been the proper way to do things, even from a pragmatic point of view.
Ban: Avoid being dishonest at all costs.

You are reclusive and ascetic by nature, preferring your own company to that of others. Introspective by nature, you view everything from a very personal standpoint. When in public, you tend to be quiet, speaking only when spoken to, unless your input has such extreme relevance that you feel that you have to say it. One of the benefits of this is that others tend to see you as wise, since when you do speak, your words often make a profound point that was overlooked. Despite your desire to be alone, you are drawn out by the need to watch and learn. Your curiosity about the nature of things and your place among them keeps you from being totally isolated.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you find a solution to a problem through inner reflection rather than brash action.
Ban: Rarely speak unless the situation is dire and you feel that your viewpoint has not already been expressed.

Grumpy, sour, and just plain cranky, nothing ever satisfies you. The light's too bright in here, turn off that awful music, nothing is as good as it was in the "old days." If there is nothing to complain about, then something fishy is going on. Unlike the Gadfly, you do not gripe to improve things (though you may claim you do). You just like to complain and find the worst side of every issue. Every silver lining means there's a thunderstorm a-brewin'. Some believe that under your gruff exterior lies a loveable, old softy. You live to prove them wrong.
Quest: Gain Willpower every time one of your dire predictions comes true.
Ban: Never look on the bright side of life.

You are the Ice Queen, the detached and cold pragmatist. It's too dangerous to get involved with anything emotionally, though you don't necessarily tell others that. Some see you as jaded or frigid, but you are the unmoving rock that others can rely on. The screams of your victims, the desperate pleas of abandoned lovers, the groveling of courtiers, all are met with an icy facade. Your face is a permanent mask of vague disinterest, and you perfect the art of the bored stare. You delight in exposing the weakness of the emotionally vulnerable; in your spare time, you are likely to take many lovers, and abandon them for the pleasure of watching their weakness. Still waters run deep, of course; you have likely been hurt to reduce you to this, and a sea of emotional wreckage lurks beneath the ice of your demeanor.
Quest: Whenever you win the day as a result of being unaffected by the attempts of others to sway your emotions, you gain a point of Willpower.
Ban: Never betray the true feelings of your heart; never let anyone know how you really feel.

The world is such a fun place, but everyone always gets hung up on their misfortunes. You're here to make sure that doesn't happen, distracting them from their troubles long enough for their natural tendency for happiness to reassert itself. You are an entertainer and a confidant, who finds out the troubles of others to help them forget them. You think nothing of making yourself look the fool, if only it'd bring a smile to the lips of others. You'll do what you can to delight others, and have a soft spot in your heart for innocents in trouble. More than willing to draw fire from those who would make problems for your friends, you are a staunch defender of what you see as their best interests.
Quest: Whenever you successfully manage to take people's mind off of their troubles, you regain Willpower.
Ban: Never miss an opportunity to cheer someone up, no matter what it takes.

You seek to perpetually improve the system, taking pleasure in your rational nature and ability to draw the right conclusion when presented with the facts. You respect justice as the highest ideal, and are quick to point out its efficiency for resolving all issues. You are hardly a visionary, relying on what has gone before as the best model. Nonetheless, others look to you to solve disputes, carefully listening to all sides and gathering all the facts before you make a decision. You are highly likely to speak up if you think someone has made an unfair decision, though your opinion may differ wildly even from another Judge's. You believe that fair decisions are more important than merciful ones, and strive for what is right over what is easiest.
Quest: Regain Willpower whenever you correctly deduce a mystery by assembling the clues presented, or when one of your arguments unites dissenting parties.
Ban: Never rest until you are certain that justice has been served. Never let injustice occur without speaking against it.

You are dedicated to the unbroken routine of your existence, and refuse to do anything that compromises your routine and established practices. No matter how urgent or deserving an individual case may be, the preservation of established practices and routines is more important. Individual decisions and considerations are fallible, whereas routines and established procedures are the distilled wisdom of years or decades of decision-making. Routines are what separate order from chaos. make an exception once, and it sets a dangerous precedent; make an exception twice, and the door to anarchy is opened.
Quest: Regain a Willpower point each time you are able to preserve your routine, and each time you avoid reevaluating anything or making a decision about a situation based on its individual merits. At the Storyteller's option, more points may be awarded for truly impressive feats of generalization.
Ban: Don't ever break your routine.

With a sparkle in your eye, you cajole, encourage, tempt, trick, and manipulate others into exploring their darkest desires. You are the pusher, the perverter, taking the sweet and turning it into the sordid. You see yourself as a teacher of sorts– you teach people what base and feral creatures they really are. There's nothing you love more than to corrupt the innocent and do it with such panache that they never realize they've been compromised.
Quest: You regain Willpower whenever you cause someone to do something she would normally be opposed to and she enjoys it.
Ban: Never protect anyone from the harsh realities of life.

A present day Don Quixote, you never tire of tilting at windmills. You follow all the old codes of chivalry and seek to aid those in need. This makes you an oddity in the modern world. You may be a true idealist, and somewhat naively, believe the best about everyone. You may be a pragmatist, desperately trying to keep a small portion of the world from sinking into despair. You may even have been raised with a strict code all your life which you latch on to unswervingly, and will not desert simply to suit your own ends. In any event, you believe that one person can make a difference.
Quest: Regain a point of Willpower every time following your code may put you at risk.
Ban: Never behave in a manner that does not befit a Knight.

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